cover image HOW TO BE LIKE RICH DEVOS: Succeeding with Integrity in Business and Life

HOW TO BE LIKE RICH DEVOS: Succeeding with Integrity in Business and Life

Pat Williams, with Jim Denney. . Health Communications, $14.95 (356pp) ISBN 978-0-7573-0158-2

Rich DeVos, cofounder of Amway and owner of the Orlando Magic, has battled illness, received a heart transplant and long advocated compassion in business. This book analyzes DeVos's life philosophy, serving up aphorisms, commentary and anecdotes about him. Williams, senior v-p of the Orlando Magic who has worked closely with DeVos for 14 years, and Denney, a business writer, clearly adore DeVos and are enthusiastic converts to his ways. "Many people have mental objections that keep them from becoming life-enhancers and cheerleaders. If you want to be successful, effective and influential like Rich DeVos, then you need to overcome these obstacles and objections," advise the authors. The secret to DeVos's success? He is a man of the people who treats everyone equally well ("the most important friends Rich DeVos has made were not the entertainers and presidents he knew, but the thousands of ordinary people who have known and loved him"). This tribute to a living legend is likely to resonate among readers looking for a positive leader who hasn't been tarnished by the Enron, Worldcom or other business scandals. But the book's overwrought enthusiasm may be unappealing for anyone looking for solid insights into DeVos's business strategies. (Feb.)

Forecast: The book's viewpoint will appeal strongly to Amway distributors and maybe even Orlando Magic fans. Word of mouth will be strong and sales should be brisk.
