Mirror Image
Ice-T and Jorge Hinojosa. Forge, $25.99 (320p) ISBN 978-0-7653-2514-3
This sequel to Kings of Vice shares all the shortcomings of its predecessor%E2%80%94plot improbabilities, lackluster prose, and paper-thin characters. After emerging from decades behind bars to reclaim his position as one of NYC's leading gangsters, Marcus "Crush" Casey is now trying to unite all of the city's organized crime entities. He does so by launching another ambitious scheme, this time using technology to hack the NYPD and bring it into disrepute by exposing corrupt cops. The text is uneven and unintentionally humorous in spots, as when the ultra-violent Casey (who had done time for%C2%A0attempted murder) observes, "All smart men knew that true power came through profound words and innovative ideas." Only later to plot more ridiculousness of using an army of irresistible "fine bitch[es]" to target Wall Street fat cats and unscrupulous drug company execs to bolster his crew's coffers. (May)
Reviewed on: 08/26/2013
Genre: Fiction
Other - 320 pages - 978-1-4299-4487-8