cover image DADDY'S GIRL


Garrison Keillor, , illus. by Robin Preiss Glasser. . Hyperion, $16.99 (40pp) ISBN 978-0-7868-1986-7

This title character, as pictured by Glasser (A Is for Abigail ), embraces life with enthusiasm and style. Prairie Home Companion host Keillor's four doting songs celebrate the loving relationship between a father and his daughter, but it's the loose-lined watercolors that shine. Chock-a-block with the sights and sounds of New York City, Glasser's illustrations portray the toddler's insouciant delight in the world at large, whether she is eating her favorite foods in "B-a-n-a-n-a-s," strutting past Zabar's in the catchy "The Baby Says, 'Ha!' " or dancing at a wedding in "Won't You Dance With Me?" Included with the book is a CD of Keillor's performance of the songs (not seen by PW ). Some of the rhymes aptly surprise ("Swedish meatballs,/ Belgian waffle,/ French fries or a fresh falafel"), but others are clunkers ("Lift up her legs and take off the diaper,/ Get a damp cloth and carefully wiper her/ .../ Lay down a clean one, tape it shut,/ Beautiful baby with a nice clean butt"). Wistful and warm, the text's humor and nostalgic tone may appeal more to adults than to children (e.g., "Once in a while," the narrator asks his daughter, for example, "whenever you can,/ Remember your old man"). Nonetheless, between Glasser's inspired illustrations and Keillor's fans, this will probably be a Father's Day favorite. Ages 6 mos.-4 yrs. (Apr.)
