cover image Mary%E2%80%99s Song

Mary%E2%80%99s Song

Lee Bennett Hopkins, illus. by Stephen Alcorn. Eerdmans, $17 (32p) ISBN 978-0-8028-5397-4

Hopkins and Alcorn, the team behind America at War and other titles, present a tender exploration of Mary%E2%80%99s feelings for her infant son, of her natural desire to have quiet intimacy with him, and of her hopes for his future (%E2%80%9CI rock back and forth,/ forth and back,/ softly humming my mother-song./ I wonder what will become of him,/ my sweet innocent babe%E2%80%9D). Alcorn%E2%80%99s sweet, sketchlike mixed-media illustrations depict the Nativity story on an ivory background and are enhanced by golden highlights, soft lines, and gentle shading to create images of calm. Hopkins%E2%80%99s words evoke a wistful acknowledgment of all parents%E2%80%99 hopes for their infants. Ages 5%E2%80%938. (June)