cover image The Imposter: A Variants Novel

The Imposter: A Variants Novel

Susanne Winnacker, read by Emily Rankin. Listening Library, unabridged, seven CDs, 8 hrs., $50 ISBN 978-0-8041-2382-2

Teenage Tessa is a %E2%80%9Cvariant,%E2%80%9D meaning she%E2%80%99s a mutant with special powers%E2%80%94in her case, the ability to take on the appearance of anyone she touches. Rejected by her mother for her %E2%80%9Cfreakish%E2%80%9D ability, she is now a member of a secret government agency that sends her to impersonate Madison%E2%80%94the victim of a serial killer%E2%80%94in order to crack the case. Narrator Emily Rankin proves perfect for the role of Tessa, conveying the character%E2%80%99s conflicted feelings: the desire to do a good job on her first assignment, the fear of being the killer%E2%80%99s next victim, and, most of all, a yearning to remain Madison, basking in the love of the girl%E2%80%99s unsuspecting parents. Rankin makes Tessa an authentic, sympathetic character whom listeners will root for and relate to. She differentiates the other characters well, deepening her voice for the male characters and changing her tone for the various female ones%E2%80%94conveying all the characters%E2%80%99 emotions believably. Ages 12%E2%80%93up. A Razorbill hardcover. (May)