cover image Weird Wolf

Weird Wolf

Margery Cuyler. Henry Holt & Company, $12.95 (72pp) ISBN 978-0-8050-0835-7

One of four fall titles in Holt's new chapter book series, this story concerns nine-year-old Harry Walpole, who wakes up one night covered with fur and craving a hamburger; he realizes to his horror that he's inherited the family curse--he's a werewolf! Cuyler's story bounces from one loony predicament to the next as each full moon subjects the hapless Harry to such indignities as waking up naked in a McDonald's dumpster, falling in love with a golden retriever and being forced to make a speedy exit from a championship baseball game because he starts sprouting hair. In the end, it's bossy Abby Horowitz, his smitten classmate, who breaks the curse by calling Harry by his human name while he's still in werewolf form. The comically slick first-person narrative is nicely suited to this antic romp, while Zimmer's creepy pen-and-ink illustrations are properly wacky accompaniment. Ages 7-9. (Oct.)