cover image The Power of Women: Harness Your Unique Strengths at Home, at Work, and in Your Community

The Power of Women: Harness Your Unique Strengths at Home, at Work, and in Your Community

Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, . . Times, $25 (319pp) ISBN 978-0-8050-8867-0

According to Yale psychology professor Nolen-Hoeksema (Women Who Think Too Much ), women have unique mental strengths. Neither conformist nor rigid, women find many pathways to their goals and work toward getting a job done rather than getting their way. Women, the author says, utilize their strengths to lead children, partners, neighbors, and colleagues to better lives; believing that every woman has the capacity to be strong no matter how beaten down she feels. Nolen-Hoeksema offers numerous case studies as well as tools and exercises (e.g., a “Breaking Down Obstacles Worksheet” motivates readers to take small steps to tackle obstacles to their important goals; an exercise shows readers how to make contracts with themselves and give themselves a reward when they achieve a difficult task). Although these tools are useful and Nolen-Hoeksema's advice lucid, if familiar, it's questionable whether stressed-out women will adopt the time-finding worksheet or other time-consuming exercises. Moreover, the book's gender emphasis feels dated and biased: it's not clear why the advice applies particularly to women. (Jan.)
