cover image Charlie Drives the Stage

Charlie Drives the Stage

Eric A. Kimmel, Glen Rounds. Holiday House, $13.95 (32pp) ISBN 978-0-8234-0738-5

Avalanches in the pass, agents on the road, Indians on the warpath, and the river's rising? No problem, as long as Charlie Drummond is driving the stagecoach (``You got to think positive about these things,'' as Charlie puts it). Each danger is met and parried through a combination of serendipity and derring-do, and, after a ride he won't soon forget, Senator Roscoe McCorkle catches the train that will take him to his meeting with the President. Skillful use of both exaggeration and understatement, along with many colorful turns of phrase, make this a rousing good yarn. Rounds's loose-limbed illustrations capture the energy, hyperbole and plain good fun of this Badlands tale. Ages 5-8. (Apr.)