cover image Me Too!: Two Small Stories about Small Animals

Me Too!: Two Small Stories about Small Animals

Katya Arnold. Holiday House, $15.95 (32pp) ISBN 978-0-8234-1483-3

As in The Adventures of Snowwoman, Arnold once again takes two stories by Vladimir Suteev (whom she describes as ""a kind of Russian Walt Disney"") as her inspiration and produces a book that packs a visual wallop. In the title story, a newly hatched chick proves she can copy everything her duckling friend does--except swim. The other, ""Three Little Kittens,"" is a pure visual romp: a trio of felines pursues various prey through a canister of flour, a dirty pipe and a pond, with predictable consequences to their fur coats. A fearlessness dominates Arnold's work--her roughly hewn black outlines and bold colors bristle with electricity, her characters radiate a fierce and restless intensity, and the typography swoops and shouts. When taken together, these elements create movement and simulate the feeling of animation. Ages 3-6. (Mar.)