cover image Just Until

Just Until

Joseph Moldover. Holiday House/Ferguson, $19.99 (304p) ISBN 978-0-8234-5619-2

Ever since her mother died when she was four, high school junior Hannah Lynn has acted as the responsible adult in her household: her hardworking father is loving but clueless about the home’s daily goings-on, and her much older sister Pauline struggles with substance dependency. Taciturn Hannah plans to escape her judgmental small Maine town by attending her mother’s alma mater, Tufts, a secret known only by her crush and chemistry tutor, Richard. After Pauline loses custody of her two sons, Hannah’s dad agrees to take them in, swearing to Hannah that the arrangement will last “just until” Pauline’s life stabilizes. Hannah grudgingly accepts the major burden of the work helping the traumatized 13- and nine-year-old navigate issues such as night terrors and food hoarding. And then, when Hannah’s hoped-for future seems within her grasp, her father’s health begins to deteriorate. Moldover (Every Moment After) employs sensitivity and nuance to depict Hannah’s determination to secure financial stability and do right by her nephews and herself. Her evolution from reticence to fierce advocate radiates with heart. The cast is white. Ages 14–up. Agent: Adam Schear, DeFiore & Co. (Oct.)