cover image Ros Demir Is Not the One

Ros Demir Is Not the One

Leyla Brittan. Holiday House, $19.99 (304p) ISBN 978-0-8234-5713-7

High school junior Rosaline Demir feels like her reputation still hasn’t recovered from nasty rumors spread about her in eighth grade. She endeavors to change, putting into motion a yearslong plan to dazzle everyone when she returns to school in the fall. All she must do is meet a handsome guy and make him fall in love with her, thus guaranteeing her a place on the homecoming court and a fast track toward popularity. Tagging along with her kindly white-cued best friend Eleanor on her family’s vacation to the luxurious summer resort of Pine Bay, Ros determines to make her scheme a reality. Meeting handsome Turkish American Aydin gives her hope. But even as her imagined future begins coming to fruition, she realizes that getting what she wants might come at the cost of other people’s feelings. Debut author Brittan gives Ros a satisfying character arc that’s influenced by her desire to fit in and her struggles reconciling with her Scottish and Turkish ancestry as someone living in a majority-white town. Compassionate text highlights character flaws while encouraging growth and deftly tackles issues surrounding islamophobia and self-esteem. Ages 12–up. Agent: Alexander Slater, Sanford J. Greenburger Assoc. (Oct.)