Roof Gardens, Balconies, and Terraces
David Stevens, Jerry Harpur. Rizzoli International Publications, $35 (160pp) ISBN 978-0-8478-2015-3
At first glance, this volume from a British garden designer looks like another glossy paean to the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Closer inspection, however, reveals a thorough tutorial in design, construction, plant selection and care of gardens in contained settings. All information translates from the lofty milieu of the title's locations to more humble decks or patios. Bolstered by Jerry Harpur's lush--and often spectacular--photographs, Stevens covers a host of elements, including framing a view, selecting a focal point, and creating ""tension, mystery, and surprise"" through such landscape sleight of hand as placing staggered trellises to add depth and interest to a small garden. Practical and safety issues, e.g., determining load-bearing areas on a roof for placement of heavier items like planters and water features, are also discussed. While the absence of plant names in the captions of the 250 photos will frustrate many readers, the pictures are full of delight and inspiration. (May)
Reviewed on: 03/03/1997
Genre: Nonfiction