Those not already deeply immersed in recondite Kennedy assassination lore will find this offering by Kroth—an associate professor of counseling psychology at Santa Clara University, and a contributor to CounterPunch,
a biweekly "muckraking newsletter"—well over the top. Advertised as an "objective" look at the myriad conspiracy theories that surround the assassination, this instead offers overwrought writing, an author fixated on Kennedy's sexual conduct, and very subjective opinions. Among the many graphs, tables and time lines Kroth finds relevant to his evaluation of the various assassination theories are Kennedy's mistresses during his presidency (for the record, there are allegedly 33), Marilyn Monroe's alleged lovers (35) and a list of the possible assassins in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963 (27). For good measure there is a bar graph of the distribution of cover-up sources (including Mafia murders). On the other hand, for those readers who are predisposed to accept Kroth's judgment that the Warren Commission invented "magic bullets, neuromuscular spasms... sheared-off copper jacketing... to keep the hint of conspiracy at bay and myth intact: Oswald and only Oswald shot Kennedy; Ruby and only Ruby killed Oswald," this offers a cornucopia of material. As they read, however, many will hear the voice of Woody Allen's Annie Hall
alter ego Alvy Singer chirping in their ear, "It, but it it... he drove past the book depository and the police said conclusively that it was an exit wound. So—how is it possible for Oswald to have fired from two angles at once? It doesn't make sense." (Nov. 23)
This month, Reed Press publishes the book/CD-ROM combo
Beyond the Bookstore: How to Sell More Books Profitably to Non-Bookstore Markets
($49.95 228p ISBN 1-59429-002-4)
by Brian Jud, president of Book Marketing Works and host of the television series
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