cover image How to Prevent a Stroke: A Complete Risk-Reduction Program

How to Prevent a Stroke: A Complete Risk-Reduction Program

Peggy J. Donahue, Prevention Magazine. Rodale Press, $20.95 (302pp) ISBN 978-0-87857-781-1

A virtual encyclopedia of stroke information, this brims with facts and sound counsel collected from some of the nation's leading medical experts. Donahue, former editor of Executive Fitness News , walks the reader through a stroke risk-assessment, suggests dietary modifications and exercise strategies, and makes recommendations for dealing with the medical establishment and myriad tests and procedures. For those who have experienced the effects of a stroke, coping strategies and other resources are discussed. For others, who have not yet contended with these hard facts, Donahue's advice drives home the point that a stroke is better prevented than treated. As she points out, ``. . . we've increased our chances of surviving a stroke more than six-fold in less than 50 years. And the difference is stroke prevention.'' Her sagely optimistic book is essential reading for those who seek active involvement in their own or their loved ones' health. (Jan.)