Exotic Vegetables A-Z
Josephine Bacon. Salem House Publishers, $14.95 (128pp) ISBN 978-0-88162-356-7
From ackeea West Indian vegetable with a fluffy yellow pulp resembling scrambled eggsto the yard-long bean, Bacon surveys some 61 largely unfamiliar vegetables. Though readers may consider some (yams, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, eggplant) less than alien, enough obscure varieties are included to clarify the produce avail able in ethnicespecially Orien talmarkets. Unfortunately Bacon, the author of three other books on food, may leave novice shoppers in the lurch: she doesn't always explain what type of market offers which produce. And, as she points out, the ``mere fact that a vegetable is classified as `exotic' . . . is not necessarily a sure recommendation of its tastiness.'' While palatable, recipes sprinkled throughout function equally well as cultural post scripts. Some ingredients (coconut milk, cassa va starch) may prove elusive. (Jan.)
Reviewed on: 01/01/1988
Genre: Nonfiction