The New Secrets of a Corporate Headhunter: Strategies for Surviving and Thriving in the New World of Business
John Wareham, Wareham. HarperCollins Publishers, $20 (188pp) ISBN 978-0-88730-650-1
Wareham's ( Secrets of a Corporate Headhunter ) interesting study unveils the mysterious workings of headhunters while providing pragmatic advice on how to succeed in business in the era of corporate downsizing. Beginning with a brutally accurate analysis of ``tribeless warriors'' (``electronic-age executives without loyalty beyond immediate friends or family''), the author, who founded his own human resources firm, delineates procedures for incresing your market value: set quantifiable goals, turn yourself into a ``specific product.'' Other topics include leveraging demand for your services, getting personal publicity, dressing for success, and capturing a headhunter's attention. This is a book for individuals primed and ``ready to network for assignments and job openings.'' (June)
Reviewed on: 01/03/1994
Genre: Nonfiction