cover image Confessions of a Lottery Ball: The Inside Out World of Aaron Freeman; (Foreword by Harold Washington)

Confessions of a Lottery Ball: The Inside Out World of Aaron Freeman; (Foreword by Harold Washington)

Aaron Freeman. Bonus Books, $7.95 (182pp) ISBN 978-0-933893-36-8

Freeman is a Chicago actor/comedian (Second City, Organic Theater), an essayist in such journals as the Chicago Sun-Times, Playboy and the Chicago Tribune, and resident humorist of PBS's the MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour. In this collection of satirical scripts, sketches and essays, he takes aim at a variety of subjects. He directs barbs at Reagan (""an Uncle Remus for the yuppies''), the military (``We're always looking for Mr. Goodbomb''), antiestablishment protest (``This essay is being written on a MacIntosh Personal Computer, which I bought as a protest to IBM''). Freeman updates the classic Abbott and Costello ``Who's on First?'' routine to ``Who's a Terrorist?'' and creates a number of memorable characters, such as Zimbabwe comedian Toki L'koto, who says, ``It does not matter what color you are because on judgment day if God is a woman we are all in trouble.'' Freeman's satire is irreverent, thought provoking, insightful and funny. (October)