cover image Official Guide to Office Wellness: 101 Techniques for the Office or Cubicle

Official Guide to Office Wellness: 101 Techniques for the Office or Cubicle

William R. Vitanyi. Bayla Publishing, $17.95 (108pp) ISBN 978-0-9785600-2-7

Cube farmer Vitanyi enlisted a hundred coworkers and students at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania to help him realize his vision: a spoof of corporate wellness programs. The result is a slim book packed with regular Joes and Janes in outlandish poses inspired by animals, ""because animals have wisdom."" Though fun to flip through-poses range from laying atop open file cabinets (""Bighorn Sheep Wall Position,"" to offset narcolepsy-induced filing) to headstands atop desks (""Hygenic Desk Compulsion,"" allowing participants to ""see even the smallest particles"" of a filthy office) to variations that defy easy description (""Glass Lizard Bucket Movement,"" for watercooler phobia)-Vitanyi's text meanders likably enough, but doesn't provoke many laughs. The real attraction here is Vitanyi's poor, dead-eyed coworkers, stuck in positions funny enough to make you momentarily forget your own cramped cubicle blues.