cover image The Plea

The Plea

Steve Cavanagh. Flatiron, $26.99 (368p) ISBN 978-1-250-10556-1

The Feds make Manhattan con-artist–turned-attorney Eddie Flynn, the hardboiled hero of Cavanagh’s criminally entertaining sequel to 2016’s The Defense, an offer he can’t refuse: unless Eddie hustles just-arrested young tech billionaire David Child (who isn’t even his client yet) into pleading guilty to murdering his girlfriend as part of their plan to flip him against the respected but corrupt firm currently representing him, they will arrest Eddie’s estranged wife, Christine White, a lawyer there, for participating (unwittingly) in a vast money-laundering conspiracy. Eddie quickly hits a huge problem: despite the superficially slam-dunk evidence against David, he’s not convinced the terrified 22-year-old did it. Especially after a hit attempt nearly takes out the techie while he’s still in a holding cell. From there the action turns fast and furious as, with the preliminary hearing and Feds’ deadline looming, Eddie employs his very particular set of skills to try to keep David, Christine, and himself alive long enough to figure out who the real killer is—and how he’s going to prove it. This is perfect for anyone who likes a locked-room mystery wrapped inside a legal thriller on steroids. Agent: George Lucas, Inkwell Management. (Feb.)