cover image The Wife Between Us

The Wife Between Us

Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen. St. Martin’s, $26.99 (352p) ISBN 978-1-250-13092-1

Hendricks, who spent more than 20 years as a book editor, joins forces with Pekkanen (The Best of Us) to create a jaw-dropping psychological thriller. Unreliable narrator Vanessa Thompson is obsessed with her ex-husband’s fiancée and on the verge of becoming unhinged. She gave up everything to have a fairy tale life in Westchester with too-good-to-be-true hedge fund manager Richard. After a series of failed fertility treatments, their marriage unraveled, and Richard leaves her for a younger woman. Hendricks and Pekkanen chronicle a marriage gone wrong through the alternating accounts of the shattered Vanessa and a vibrant, younger woman named Nellie. This is not another eye-rolling story about the jealous ex-wife stalking her replacement, as readers will discover as Vanessa’s motivations are revealed. Unforgettable twists lead to shocking revelations all the way through the epilogue. 250,000-copy announced first printing. Agent: Victoria Sanders, Victoria Sanders and Associates. (Jan.)

This review has been edited to remove spoilers.


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