cover image Bringer of Dust

Bringer of Dust

J.M. Miro. Flatiron, $29.99 (608p) ISBN 978-1-250-83383-9

Gorier and perhaps even bleaker than Ordinary Monsters, Miro’s daunting second dark historical fantasy in the Talents trilogy complicates the already-intricate mythology established in the first volume. While Marlowe remains trapped in the land of the dead, his friends spread out across Europe trying to learn how to bring him back. Both portals to the other side have been sealed, and unsealing them raises the possibility of letting through something even worse than the otherworldly monster aiding the previous tale’s villain. The line between good and evil thins as the Talents wrestle with whether saving their friend is worth risking the fate of the world. : What is an acceptable sacrifice in the name of doing the right thing, particularly when no one agrees on what the right thing to do is? This is a grim universe in which no one is safe. But Miro handles pacing and the details of his intricate worldbuilding with admirable dexterity, and the charming characters grow in richness and depth the more time readers spend with them. Fans of the first book will not be disappointed. Agent: Ellen Levine, Trident Media Group. (Sept.)