The New Sonoma Cookbook: Simple Recipes for a Healthy, More Delicious Way to Live
Connie Guttersen. Sterling, $22.95 (416p) ISBN 978-1-4027-8119-3
Guttersen's update to her 2006 cookbook gives devotees a hefty collection of primarily basic recipes, including over 200 new recipes, tips, and seasonal variations for flavorful meals at all times of day. Each recipe is helpfully accompanied by nutritional information, suggestions for leftovers and, when applicable, wine pairing suggestions; in most cases, Guttersen leads with the classic preparation. Guttersen does a commendable job of encouraging readers to expand their culinary boundaries with dishes like Beef Satay with Peanut Sauce, Vietnamese Chicken Curry, Koran-Style Pork Tenderloin with Asian Cabbage Slaw, and Spicy Crab Cakes with Whole Grain Mustard Vinaigrette, as well as a Peach, Raspberry and Almond Galette made with a whole wheat almond crust. The vast majority of Guttersen's recipes are perfectly acceptable, if unremarkable. Taste of the Wine Country, one of her final chapters, is more interesting, with recipes from local restaurants. Those expecting culinary fireworks will likely be nonplussed, but followers of her diet plan and readers interested in a basic cookbook will find in this a helpful resource. (May)
Reviewed on: 05/30/2011
Genre: Nonfiction