cover image Sharing the Seasons: A Book of Poems

Sharing the Seasons: A Book of Poems

, , illus. by David Diaz. . S&S/McElderry, $21.99 (83pp) ISBN 978-1-4169-0210-2

This dynamic collection features 48 poems—12 for each of the seasons—mingling previously published poems by Carl Sandburg, Karla Kuskin, and others, with new works by several poets, including Hopkins. The diverse, accessible selections create a mosaic that stirs the senses. Diaz’s ethereal silhouettes of animals and people, which resemble layered, cut-paper shadows, are ornately inlaid with nature motifs. Neon hues of spring and summer give way to autumnal colors, then to a softened winter palette, with selections like “Season,” by Lillian M. Fisher: “First snow/ falling./ Wild geese/ calling./ Fields are/ bare./ Winter/ whispers/ everywhere.” Ages 8–up. (Mar.)
