cover image Of Bees and Mist

Of Bees and Mist

Erick Setiawan. Blackstone Audiobooks, $118 (0pp) ISBN 978-1-4417-1092-5

Reality has been tipped askew in Setiawan supernatural story of mothers and daughters, husbands and wives. Me-ridia grows up in a home where the magic and hostility are so thick, mist wraps envelops the house and her bitter relationship with her in-laws becomes a battle against swarming bees that nettle the skin and heart. Marguerite Gavin's riveting performance brings light and clarity to Setiawan's provocative fantasy. Particularly creative and af-fecting are her renderings of the bees and Meridia's empathetic voice. Her characterizations are on target, and her tone is tone is as intense as the unfolding drama, and her characterizations are on target. A Simon & Schuster hardcover (Reviews, Jun.1).