cover image Can’t Stop Kissing That Baby

Can’t Stop Kissing That Baby

K.L. Going, illus. by Fiona Lee. Beach Lane, $19.99 (32p) ISBN 978-1-4424-3416-5

Going and Lee spotlight mother-child bonds in this snuggle-inducing story. Rhythmic second-person lines articulate variations on, “Silly momma!/ She so loves kissing the baby./ So loves,/ yes, she just so loves.” Accompanying scenes—rendered in soothing washes of periwinkle, pumpkin, and sage—support with naturalistic depictions of parents of varying skin tones luxuriating in baby hugs all throughout the day as their cherubic charges laugh and smile. As arrayed mothers and babes converge at a park picnic table, the incredulous narrator playfully queries: “Are you still kissing the baby?” And even after a dog and other humans join in, text celebrates the way mommas “never run out of those kisses.” Text and visuals combine for a glowing portrait of doting caregivers. Ages 4–8. (Mar.)