Night-Night, Princess
Mara Van Fleet. S&S/Wiseman, $14.99 (16p) ISBN 978-1-4424-8646-1
“Late one starry night,/ when the sky was blue and deep,/ a perky little princess/ could not go to sleep.” The girl’s two older sisters try “sprinkl[ing] fairy-dust wishes,” dancing, snacking on sticky buns, and taking a soothing bubble bath, but nothing does the trick. Meanwhile, Van Fleet incorporates several touch-and-feel elements into the pages (the sticky buns: actually sticky), creating a parallel game of distraction to the one the sisters are involved with. Cozy colored-pencil artwork gives the story a snug quality—with their flannel nightgowns and modest home, these are the kind of everyday princesses that readers will find it easy to relate to. Ages 2–6. (Jan.)
Reviewed on: 12/16/2013
Genre: Children's