cover image Fabulous in Flats: Putting My Best Foot Forward!

Fabulous in Flats: Putting My Best Foot Forward!

Mary T. Wagner. Createspace, $9.95 trade paper (160p) ISBN 978-1482328035

In this latest collection of essays, Wagner (Running with Stilettos; Heck on Heels) again brings her wit and everywoman brilliance to the page, providing readers with insights into her daily battle to juggle the multiple roles of womanhood and live a balanced life. Among the many standout essays are "Read the Instructions," in which Wagner shows herself to be a woman with a stubborn side who wants to do things for herself, and "Tiger Beat," in which she reveals her "mother tiger" side. Wagner's essays are straightforward, to the point, and touching. Any woman struggling to combine work, family, love, and life in general will not only appreciate Wagner's words but also identify with her completely. Once upon a time, women were told they had to wear many hats in life, but Wagner proves that it's the fabulous shoes that make all the difference. BookLife

This review has been updated to reflect a new prince, ISBN, and publishing platform for the book.
