The Truth About Martians
Melissa Savage. Crown, $16.99 (336p) ISBN 978-1-5247-0016-4
In the summer of 1947, a flying saucer crashes near 11-year-old Mylo Hildago’s family ranch outside Roswell, N.M. Mylo and his best friend, Dibs, investigate the crash site, but Mylo doesn’t believe in Martians until a voice contacts him telephathically, asking for help. Mylo, who narrates, has other things on his mind: his brother, Obie, who died at age 12, “one year, one month, eight days” ago; his dramatic impatience to hit puberty; and Graciela (“my Lois Lane”), on whom he has a crush. Savage (Lemons) beautifully balances Mylo’s intense sorrow about Obie’s death with plenty of adventure and stinky-feet jokes. Mylo’s friendship with Dibs is heartwarming and genuine, rooted in comic books and constant companionship. As the friends embark on their quest to save the Martians, Savage keeps the story grounded in real-world, terrestrial challenges: how best to summon courage and embrace new beginnings. Ages 8–12. [em](Oct.)
Reviewed on: 11/19/2018
Genre: Children's
Library Binding - 336 pages - 978-1-5247-0017-1
Paperback - 352 pages - 978-1-5247-0019-5