Behind the Bookcase: Miep Gies, Anne Frank, and the Hiding Place
Barbara Lowell, illus. by Valentina Toro. Kar-Ben, $17.99 (40p) ISBN 978-1-5415-5725-3
Lowell’s tale focuses on Miep Gies, the Dutch woman who helped Anne Frank and her family hide from the Nazis, then saved and preserved Frank’s diary. After WWI, Gies was a malnourished child refugee from Austria; years later, this experience leads to her special relationship with Anne—Miep “knew how it felt to be young and leave everything in your world behind.” Toro’s illustrations use a muted palette; sharp, sketchy lines; and gently exaggerated shapes to convey tension, but also joy, as when Miep brings Anne a pair of red high heels to wear, “a small moment of happiness.” Best suited for those already familiar with Frank’s story; includes an author’s note, bibliography, and further reading. Ages 7–11. (Sept.)
Reviewed on: 08/06/2020
Genre: Children's
Open Ebook - 40 pages - 978-1-5415-9954-3
Paperback - 40 pages - 978-1-5415-5726-0