cover image Hungry Beautiful Animals: The Joyful Case for Going Vegan

Hungry Beautiful Animals: The Joyful Case for Going Vegan

Matthew C. Halteman. Basic, $30 (304p) ISBN 978-1-5416-0205-2

Halteman (Compassionate Eating as Care of Creation), a philosophy professor at Calvin University, serves up a muddled treatise on the righteousness of veganism. Attempting to break through readers’ indifference to livestock’s plight, Halteman provides a lengthy comparison of farm animals to his English bulldog, but his point that both are selectively bred in ways that compromise their quality of life is buried underneath tangential anecdotes about, for instance, his aversion to cleaning up his dog’s poop. Halteman includes surprisingly little evidence on veganism’s health benefits or the meat industry’s cruelty and environmental costs, instead relying largely on personal stories to make his points. For example, he strains to complicate the “human/animal binary” by recounting how he stopped craving meat after driving by a rib joint while listening to Elie Wiesel speak about Nazi crematoria on the radio, an experience that led Halteman to view meat as a “body taken by violence from a potentially flourishing creature.” “Spiritual exercises” aimed at acclimating readers to a vegan diet are just common sense, as when Halteman suggests that the “spiritual exercise of taking on responsibilities” might look like helping with Thanksgiving cooking if one wants vegan options. Filled with nebulous calls to harmonize “our deepest inner desires with the greatest needs and most hopeful prospects of the world outside,” this lands with a thud. Agent: Giles Anderson, Anderson Literary. (Nov.)