cover image I Bet You Think This Book Is About You: How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Pride and Gain the Rewards of Humility

I Bet You Think This Book Is About You: How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Pride and Gain the Rewards of Humility

Chad Veach. Faithwords, $28 (240p) ISBN 978-1-5460-0703-6

“God-inspired humility is the road to everything you really need” in life, according to this energetic guide from pastor Veach (Help! I Work With People). Dismantling misconceptions about humility—that it involves self-effacement or shame—he contends that thinking less about oneself can improve relationships, inspire personal growth, and facilitate a closer relationship with God. Veach advises readers to identify their prideful moments (“red flags” include dominating converations or judging others quickly) and adopt a “humility mindset” by “becoming aware of your ego and then asking yourself, ‘How would humility view the situation I’m in right now?’ ” (Instead of “expecting your spouse to align to your ideas” during an argument, for example, one can “adopt a humility mindset and work together to find a third option.”) Veach makes a persuasive case that humility is a natural outgrowth of religious devotion—“there are eight billion people out there who matter deeply to God, so they should matter to you”—though the mechanics of achieving such a mindset are less clear, seeming to rely purely on willpower and good intentions. Believers will be inspired to live a more service-oriented life, even if they’re not quite sure how to get there. (Oct.)