Dinosaur Countdown
Nicholas Oldland. Kids Can, $15.95 (24p) ISBN 978-1-55453-834-8
Oldland (Big Bear Hug) offers a bare-bones (no pun intended) counting book that features an array of dinosaurs as it works its way down from “ten striding velociraptors (and one looming predator)” to zero: “no dinosaurs (they’re extinct,
silly).” The simple formula—brown and green dinos appear against a white backdrop along with the pared-down phrases—is enhanced by playful staging: “six soaring pterodactyls” fly in chaotic circles, and “five smiling deinonychus” look gleefully deranged as they display their teeth. At times, Oldland takes the easy way out—three spreads are broadly dedicated to carnivores, herbivores, and (worst of all) “dinosaurs,” with no IDs provided for the beasts on those pages. Ages 2–6. (Aug.)
Reviewed on: 07/23/2012
Genre: Children's
Board Books - 24 pages - 978-1-5253-0476-7
Paperback - 24 pages - 978-1-4431-2042-5