cover image Hold Your Own

Hold Your Own

Nikki Wallschlaeger. Copper Canyon, $18 trade paper (112p) ISBN 978-1-55659-683-4

In this self-reflective and candid fourth collection, Wallschlaeger (Waterbaby) explores the Black female experience in formally varied poems (crisp couplets, prose poems, and some that use caesuras and white space) to powerfully parse the layers of past experiences and the injustices of modern life. “How to Write a War Poem” opens the collection, introducing the reader to Wallschlaeger’s satirical, questioning, yet inviting tone: “You must feel helpless—That’s what brought you here? You’ve been watching the news?/ You feel outlaundered? By selfhood, extravagance, and targets?” The next poem, “Freedom on Earth Ain’t Enough for Me,” takes flight from her interest in analogies between the human and natural world, and the ongoing plight of women: “Two male cardinals fight/ over trees for territory,// ancient story orbiting/ into supernova.// ‘Fe-males’ nowhere to/ be seen, particles of a// solar system delayed.” “How to Survive Confusion” advises: “1. Lean on pride. Gas yourself up on a regular basis. Admire your legs. Smile./ 2. Take long walks. Talk consolingly to yourself. Bring a friend who can laugh.” Amid difficult reckonings with race and gender, Wallschlaeger delivers a memorable woek that honors resilience. (May)