A Rough-Shooting Dog
Charles Fergus. Lyons Press, $22.95 (244pp) ISBN 978-1-55821-128-5
When avid bird-hunter Fergus ( The Wingless Crow ) needed a partner to find, flush and fetch quarry in the rugged countryside of central Pennsylvania, he chose an English springer spaniel, seven-week-old Jenny. In this charming account of a human-canine relationship, he describes Jenny's becoming a member of the family as well as a hunting companion. Taking us through her training and into the field in pursuit of grouse, woodcock and pheasant, he notes that on a hunt dog and human must coordinate their particular skills. Fergus describes the rough-shoots--alder jungle, cat-tail slough, old orchards, beaver pond--and discusses the merits of pointing and flushing dogs. Best of all, he conveys the real pleasure and excitement of upland bird hunting--the working partnership between hunter and dog. Illustrated. (Sept.)
Reviewed on: 09/02/1991
Genre: Nonfiction