cover image Dragon Feathers

Dragon Feathers

Andrej Dugin. Legacy Words, $14.95 (24pp) ISBN 978-1-56566-047-2

Exquisitely illustrated by a Russian husband and wife team, this picture book transports the reader to a timeless world of magical logic and fantastical reason. The sprightly narrative recounts a German folktale about thwarted love, yet tells it with such humor and verve that it seems brand-new. A woodcutter's son must prove his worth by plucking three golden feathers from a much-feared dragon. He succeeds in his mission with help from the fiery monster's kindly wife and thus wins love, riches and respect. Precise oil paintings in earth tones--sepia, slate, terracotta--recall the work of Gennady Spirin in their attention to detail and wonderful overtures toward realism. Yet on closer examination the artwork is unsettling and filled with extraordinary details: a unicorn roams, a set of bagpipes dances on stumpy legs, symbols abound and letters hover through the air spelling secret words. There is a touch of Van Allsburg at play here, and more than a little Hieronymus Bosch--a splendid combination of painterly art and child-like quirkiness. Ages 8-up. (Oct.)