Vincent O. Carter, , intro. by Herbert R. Lottman. . Steerforth, $25.95 (560pp) ISBN 978-1-58642-058-1
Written in 1963 and shelved, this hefty, astonishing novel by a black American expatriate who died in 1983 tells—in electric modernist vernacular prose—the story of a black child's life in Jim Crow America. In France during WWII, soldier Amerigo Jones thinks back on his youth in the 1920s and '30s in a black community resembling the author's native Kansas City. At first, the members of his extended family are presented as a chorus of voices fading in and out: his lovely, luxury-craving mother, Viola; his stern, dapper bellhop father, Rutherford; his grandmother and a bevy of aunts. After this short stream-of-consciousness section, the novel settles into a fluent, easy chronological narrative weighted toward the dreamy, determined Amerigo's early childhood, but stretching all the way to his graduation from high school. Through a steady accumulation of detail ("Five o'clock. Supper: hot dog sandwiches, salad, and beer for them and strawberry soda-pop for him"), sustained lyricism ("Fat round A's, B's, and C's spread out over the ruled spaces of his mind"), flights of fancy ("And he was the Swan Prince! 'Wauk! Wauk!' He cried plaintively, his heart beating violently") and, especially, reams of swinging dialogue (" 'A man reads this paper an' gits
Reviewed on: 03/17/2003
Genre: Fiction
Paperback - 652 pages - 978-1-80533-266-4
Paperback - 440 pages - 978-1-58195-217-9
Paperback - 540 pages - 978-1-58195-207-0