cover image From Willow Creek to Sacred Heart: Rekindling My Love for Catholicism

From Willow Creek to Sacred Heart: Rekindling My Love for Catholicism

Chris Haw. Ave Maria Press, $14.95 trade paper (236p) ISBN 978-1-59471-292-0

All Christians believe the same thing, right? Haw, co-author of Jesus for President, would whole-heartedly disagree. But he expresses that disagreement with a refreshing dose of respect, objectivity, and love. The author is an expert at describing the beauty and edifying character of both evangelical Christianity and Roman Catholicism, as well as the numerous challenges they face. After a number of years immersed in Protestantism, he ultimately chooses to return to the Catholic Church into which he was born. This homecoming, however, seems to be a choice "for" something rather than a choice "against" something else. The narrative is weakest when the author attempts tangential apologetics that are not likely to convince anyone. Conversely, it is strongest when he digs deep into his heart and expresses his love for faith, God, the poor, and the Christian tradition. The well-read Haw is able to draw upon numerous sources, including poetry, theology, and church history, to punctuate his musings about religious faith. This autobiographical "confession" will be of interest to both Catholics and Protestants as both will learn much and be invited to reflect deeply on their own personal profession of faith. (Oct. 8)