cover image Gods of Opar: 
Tales of Lost Khokarsa

Gods of Opar: Tales of Lost Khokarsa

Philip José Farmer and Christopher Paul Carey. Subterranean (, $45 (576p) ISBN 978-1-59606-471-3

The late Farmer (1918–2009; Riverworld) wrote two novels paying tribute to and expanding on the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs, and the outline of a third. This outline informs Carey’s development of a story that focuses on exiled Kwasin, the “strongest man in the world,” and his battle against King Minruth of Khokarsa. Kwasin marries and loses a queen, meets the persistent bard Bhako, and adventures with the king’s rebellious daughter, Awineth. True to its roots, the latest entry is fast-paced, often violent (Kwasin’s enormous battle-ax is a major character), and filled with pulp tropes. Fans of Farmer’s original series will appreciate this repackaging and enjoy the finale, both in tone and because of the closure it provides. Likewise, fans of Burroughs, H. Rider Haggard, and other pulp authors will find the entire collection an accessible and enjoyable throwback. (May)