Batman: The Stone King
Alan Grant, , read by Richard Rohan and a full cast. . GraphicAudio, $19.99 (0pp) ISBN 978-1-59950-458-2
When an ancient pyramid is discovered just outside Gotham City, Batman and the Justice League must battle with the deadly and powerful Stone King, an ancient shaman empowered by the Earth's natural energy. With all but Batman and the Martian Manhunter captured, the two must save the Justice League and the world before the Stone King unleashes all of his power. Though a typical Justice League story, this reimagined audio performance includes some exciting battle scenes and character dynamics, despite the crux of the story resting on Batman. Voices for all the major superheroes are reprised from previous Graphic Audio productions of DC Comics material. Listeners can expect the same high-octane production that Graphic Audio has come to be known for yet, in the end, feel a bit empty without any sense of character development and sophisticated catharsis.
Reviewed on: 09/29/2008
Genre: Audio
Mass Market Paperbound - 297 pages - 978-0-7434-1710-5