The Care and Keeping of You 2: The Body Book for Older Girls
Cara Natterson, illus. by Josée Masse. American Girl, $12.99 paper (96p) ISBN 978-1-60958-042-1
Addressing growing girls directly, this frank companion to The Care and Keeping of You (first published in 1998) aims at a slightly older audience as it covers puberty, hygiene, menstruation, emotional development, family, and social dynamics. Natterson uses a clear, reassuring tone throughout, and Q&A sections tackle potentially embarrassing topics like overactive sweating and bra discomfort (“[B]ras can sometimes make you feel self-conscious, and it’s hard to feel good in a bra until you feel good about bras”). Masse’s color cartoons provide visual backup for discussions of anatomy, breast self-exams, tampon use, and more. Ages 10–up. (Mar.)
Reviewed on: 03/18/2013
Genre: Children's