cover image The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Unconventional Laws to Redefine Your Life and Succeed on Your Own Terms

The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Unconventional Laws to Redefine Your Life and Succeed on Your Own Terms

Vishen Lakhiani. Rodale, $26.99 (256p) ISBN 978-1-62336-708-4

This guidebook promises to "hack" conventional thinking by exposing readers to the faulty logic of "brules" (bullshit rules) in what Lakhiani calls the culturescape%E2%80%94the mental world of relative truths and ideas that people "should" believe. Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley, a learning experience company, uses personal anecdotes and those of his successful, famous friends (including Arianna Huffington, Elon Musk, and Ken Wilber) to illustrate how liberating oneself from brules and creating new models of reality can lead to an extraordinary mind, greater happiness, and purpose. Lakhiani's "transcendent practices" include gratitude, forgiveness, self-love, positive visualization, and the ability to see failure and difficult times as opportunities for growth. On occasion, anecdotes seem far removed from the average reader. Lakhiani made a promise to himself that if he "ever woke up two weeks in a row dreading going to work, [he] should quit and think of another job"%E2%80%94an optimistic code for living, but not one that everyone can live by. Still, the author's three most important questions%E2%80%94"What experiences do you want to have in this lifetime? How do you want to grow? How do you want to contribute?"%E2%80%94can be of benefit to anyone. (May)