Circle Round
Anne Sibley O’Brien, illus. by Hanna Cha. Charlesbridge, $16.99 (32p) ISBN 978-1-62354-152-1
One basketball, two bicycle wheels, three hula hoops, four frisbees, and other circular objects up to 10 provide children of varying skin tones, genders, and abilities the chance to interact through play in this lively counting book. Emphasizing circular objects’ ability to connect individuals, Cha’s digitally colored ink illustrations juxtapose smudgy, sepia-toned scenes of solo kids on a playground with chromatic depictions of a growing group’s energetic exploits. On one page, a light-skinned child using a wheelchair sits alone on a splash pad among six fountain discs—a scene that gains full color when more children join in the fun. Past 10, a circle of smiling children “gathers,” “opens,” and “grows,” simply showcasing the shape’s—and children’s—ability to expand and include. Ages 3–6. (Oct.)
Reviewed on: 10/28/2021
Genre: Children's
Other - 978-1-63289-929-3