cover image Finding Narnia: The Story of C.S. Lewis and His Brother

Finding Narnia: The Story of C.S. Lewis and His Brother

Caroline McAlister, illus. by Jessica Lanan. Roaring Brook, $19.99 (48p) ISBN 978-1-62672-658-1

While young C.S. Lewis (“Jack”) “preferred to look through the window of his imagination,” his beloved older brother Warnie is fascinated by the shipyard he views from the window of their Belfast home. When the siblings discover an old wardrobe in the house, Jack crawls inside, pondering the possibility that it “had no end.” Their mother’s terminal illness prompts the boys to escape their “sad house” by creating an imaginary world that eventually—after both serve in WWI and move on to Oxford (Jack) and the army (Warnie)—inspires the Chronicles of Narnia. Lanan’s expressive, soft-focused art is meticulously in step with McAlister’s lyrical narrative, as both move from the often-harsh real world to the mystical realm of Narnia. Concluding notes from author and illustrator provide beguiling background bits—notably about one fortuitously inspiring wooden wardrobe. Ages 4–8. [em](Nov.) [/em]