Someday Is Now: Clara Luper and the 1958 Oklahoma City Sit-ins
Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, illus. by Jade Johnson. Seagrass, $17.95 (32p) ISBN 978-1-63322-498-8
Rhuday-Perkovich offers a sensitive story based on African-American educator and activist Clara Luper, who, in 1958, organized students to take part in a lunch counter sit-in in Oklahoma City. The book conveys Luper’s early awakening to racial inequity: as a child, her father assured her that “someday” she would be permitted to go to the places designated as “whites only.” Luper channeled her energies into teaching black children about history and the power of nonviolent demonstration, and she joined them in demanding to be served at Katz Drug Store. Rhuday-Perkovich works historical content accessibly into her prose: “All of these people died for our freedom.... We need to really get busy and do something for our country.” Johnson’s stylized work features blocky figures against a palette of orange, yellow, and chartreuse. An authentic tribute to a brave and compassionate activist. Ages 6–9. (Aug.)
Correction: This review has been updated for accuracy.
Reviewed on: 09/10/2018
Genre: Children's
Other - 32 pages - 978-1-63322-499-5