cover image Cyn


Ibrahim Moustafa. Humanoids, $19.99 trade paper (128p) ISBN 978-1-64337-747-6

This western-style adventure in a sci-fi universe from Moustafa (Count) blends genres into an enjoyable if routine tale of a thwarted attempt to escape one’s destiny. Technologically enhanced Meris, who has laser eyers and is marked by a metallic triangle on her forehead, stumbles into town injured and gets healed by good Samaritan Ness and his crew of adopted daughters and dogs. But Meris’s peaceful oasis is threatened when she crosses paths with a ruthless bounty hunter and his brother, who recognize her as the assassin called Cyn. To protect her newfound family, Meris must revert back into the inhuman weapon that is Cyn. The expressive art shines in dynamic fight scenes where Cyn wields her weapons like a whirling dervish. Fans of Firefly or The Mandalorian will find much that’s familiar—a bad guy from the past here, a good guy sacrificed there, trotting along unremarkably until the final face-off. Dedicated admirers of Moustafa’s art will enjoy flipping through, but those new to his universe building would be better off starting with Count. (June)