cover image Rise of the Spider (The Web of the Spider #1)

Rise of the Spider (The Web of the Spider #1)

Michael P. Spradlin. McElderry, $17.99 (160p) ISBN 978-1-6659-4720-6

When strangers Hans and Nils arrive in 11-year-old Rolf’s town of Heroldsberg, Germany, in 1929, Rolf senses something sinister about the pair and their group, the Hitler Youth. Rolf’s older brother Romer, however, quickly falls in with them; at the same time, townsfolk are similarly ensnared by the youths’ speeches promising a better Germany. Soon, Hitler Youth begin targeting Jewish storefronts and Rolf and his friend witness the attack of a Jewish business owner. They’re horrified by this act of violence but even more so by the lack of help provided by the members of their community. When Romer leaves the family to join the Nazi Party, Rolf and his father attempt to find him at Hitler’s rally in nearby Nuremburg. It is there that Rolf realizes, “When things are bad, someone must be blamed. And if you had power, you could blame anyone you wanted.” Via heated arguments between Romer and his father, Spradlin (Close Calls) provides context for WWI’s impact on Germany and the resulting hopelessness and economic hardship. It all coalesces into a thoughtful reflection— a series launch—on the rise of evil that will have readers drawing parallels to the current political climate. Ages 8–12. (Sept.)