cover image Blackheart Man

Blackheart Man

Nalo Hopkinson. Saga, $28.99 (384p) ISBN 978-1-66800-510-1

SFWA Grand Master Hopkinson (Falling in Love with Hominids) serves up a rich stew of folklore and history in this delightfully delirious fairy tale of a magical island resisting reconquest. The enslaved peoples of Chynchin banished the ruling Ymisen two centuries ago—but now the Ymisen are returning in force, ostensibly to discuss trade. Young scholar Veycosi is charged with collecting tales of how Chynchin won its freedom, a legend that involves three witches casting a spell to sink the enemy troops into a tar pit. When the boogeyman of that tar pit, Blackheart Man, appears in town, Veycosi fears a deal he made years before may be the reason for the monster’s resurrection. As a rationalist, Veycosi initially discounts magic, but as a budding folklorist, he learns how and why words create worlds. Hopkinson’s worldbuilding astonishes: the isle of Chynchin features its own patron twin caiman goddesses who watch over a culture that freely mixes words and foods from around the world, even as its own social order clings to vestiges of class and caste distinctions. This is a triumph. Agent: Donald Maass, Donald Maass Literary. (Aug.)