cover image The Crescent Moon Tearoom

The Crescent Moon Tearoom

Stacy Sivinski. Atria, $17.99 trade paper (288p) ISBN 978-1-66805-839-8

A trio of witch sisters star in Sivinski’s charming if slightly overstuffed historical fantasy debut. Anne, Beatrix, and Violet Quigley happily run the Crescent Moon teahouse in 1870s Chicago—until the Council of Witches pays them a visit and assigns them a complicated mission: help three unfulfilled witches learn their Tasks, or true callings, before those witches die. Failure to uncover these witches’ Tasks will bring negative consequences, including the Council shutting down the teahouse. As the sisters set out on this daunting quest, they discover that someone has cursed them, intending to tear them apart and prevent them from using their magic as seers. Now the sisters must juggle breaking that curse and helping the witches figure out their Tasks. There’s a lot going on, but the story often meanders as Sivinski unfolds the sisters’ various adventures. Still, the fierce love between the protagonists rings true, and the rich, cozy setting will make readers wish they had their own warm cup of tea. This satisfies. Agent: Adria Goetz, KT Literary. (Oct.)