cover image Bibliomysteries: Volume Two; Stories of Crime in the World of Books and Bookstores

Bibliomysteries: Volume Two; Stories of Crime in the World of Books and Bookstores

Edited by Otto Penzler. Pegasus, $26.95 (624p) ISBN 978-1-68177-784-9

The 15 distinguished contributors to Penzler’s welcome sequel to 2017’s Bibliomysteries all provide creative variations on this reprint anthology’s theme—mysteries set in the world of books. Peter Lovesey offers his trademark blend of solid plotting, grim humor, and unexpected twists in “Remaindered,” in which a bookseller’s chance discovery of multiple first editions of Agatha Christie leads to multiple deaths. In Megan Abbott’s creepy “The Little Men,” an actress-turned makeup artist is haunted by strange sights and sounds in her Hollywood bungalow, possibly related to its prior tenant, a bookseller. In “The Gospel of Sheba,” Lindsay Faye adds to the growing ranks of quality Sherlockian stories that bring different perspectives on the great detective by portraying him through non-Watsonian eyes—in this case, those of the minor canonical character of Lomax, the sub-librarian of “The Illustrious Client.” In Joyce Carol Oates’s “Mystery, Inc.,” a taut tale of suspense, the victims of a serial killer are all booksellers whose inventories he wants to acquire. This volume is a must for mystery fans and book lovers. (Aug.)