cover image The Jaguar Mask

The Jaguar Mask

Michael J. DeLuca. Stelliform, $21.99 trade paper (348p) ISBN 978-1-77809-260-2

This fascinating political fantasy from DeLuca (Night Roll) follows cab driver Felipe K’icab, who hides a secret: he’s a jaguar in a human mask. Felipe wants a peaceful existence—but when ex–special inspector El Bufo commandeers his taxi at gunpoint, he’s forced to play assistant as El Bufo investigates a series of seemingly senseless murders at Guatemala City’s artisan market. The investigation leads them to Cristina Ramos, whose mother was one of the victims. El Bufo’s suggestion that the murders were politically motivated puts Cristina on edge, and so does Felipe’s presence, as she immediately recognizes his jaguar nature. As the duo becomes more and more entrenched in the case, they also grow more immersed in the country’s ongoing political upheaval. What begins as a highly personal murder investigation expands to encompass the fate of a nation. DeLuca’s dense prose veers between surreal fantasy and sharp, pointed realism. That juxtaposition occasionally creates distance between the reader and the characters but doesn’t diminish the power of the plot. This poignant and lyrical novel will entice those seeking fantasy dealing with serious topics like resource draining and climate justice. (Aug.)